
Liver Qigong for the Tiger Year

Liver Qigong for the Tiger Year

We’re in the midst of the Water Tiger year which is certainly going to be one of change, chaos, and confrontation as we’re witnessing now (along with leaps in consciousness and innovations). I believe the liver energies (wood element) of anger, frustration, and...

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Happy New Year of the Metal Ox!

Happy New Year of the Metal Ox!

Well I think we’re all glad that the year of the rat is finally behind us.

I see 2021 as a foundational year with some exciting energies. Astrologically, it’s the end of an old era and institutions and worn out paradigms are crumbling.

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Apprentice Yourself To Not Knowing

Apprentice Yourself To Not Knowing

We are in a deep place of transition, moving from an old paradigm that’s crumbling to a new shift in our consciousness. It’s time to reflect on a deeper soul level and shift patterns of mental behavior, allowing the heart to lead the way. Gere are some of the self-care shifts that I’ve found invaluable.

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Herbs For Winter

Herbs For Winter

Sharing some of my favorite remedies for the cold/flu season. Of course doing a consistent qigong practice is the best way to build your immunity so you won’t get sick, but these herbal medicines are ones that I use regularly with clients to either boost the immune system or to counter colds/flu. 

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It’s almost Fall Equinox!

It’s almost Fall Equinox!

Enjoy the last gasps of summer while we can (for those in the northern hemisphere). I feel glimpses of fall in the air already, that freshness that calls for reflection on what the next phase of our growth will be.

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Happy New Year of the Earth Pig

Happy New Year of the Earth Pig

This year of the pig is the last in the 12-year cycle in Chinese astrology. It’s the time to look honestly at everything you need to let go of, and release what you don’t want to bring into the new cycle in 2020.

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Support Your Kidneys In Winter

Support Your Kidneys In Winter

As we are enveloped into the yin field of winter, our focus bends inward toward introspection and nourishing the deeper parts of ourselves. This season is the most yin, the darkest feminine time, conducive to inner listening, quiet reflection, reading, writing, sitting with friends and enjoying meals together.

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The Earth Element- Late Summer Healing

The Earth Element- Late Summer Healing

The earth element sits in the center, harmonizing all of the other elements. She’s the great nurturer, who understands the breath of life with deep wisdom and empathy, mediating between the diverse elements of life. 

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