Retreats & Trainings

Deborah is on sabbatical until September 2024.


I have had many readings in the past, some are good, others not so fruitful. I was immediately impressed with Deborah’s pinpointing my health issues and offering a specific road map to healing and unique dietary advice (I now have my own personal smoothie recipe). Everything just rang true – and it is still resonating. Thank you.


Deborah Davis’ skills as a medical intuitive are invaluable. Since the time my son was an infant with asthma and allergies, he has benefited greatly from Deborah’s practical advice on nutrition, herbs, and supplements as well as his emotional well-being. Her approach is always down-to-earth, respectful, and reassuring and I will continue to call Deborah for her insightful help for both my son and myself.


I just started practicing some of the exercises from Deborah Davis’s book. When I started doing Deborah’s exercises for insomnia, I slept deeply throughout the night the first evening I did the exercises! Wow! This works! I am now going to add some of the other exercises for menopausal symptoms to my daily practice. Thank you, Deborah!


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