Well I think we’re all glad that the year of the rat is finally behind us.

I see 2021 as a foundational year with some exciting energies. Astrologically, it’s the end of an old era and institutions and worn out paradigms are crumbling. In the Mexican Aztec and Mayan traditions, we are in a cycle of dismantling the long period of patriarchy; the shift began at the solstice in 2012 and will be more complete my 2026. During this time, the shadow aspects of our personalities and cultures have emerged and created chaos so we can become aware and transform into a new consciousness both individually and collectively. With so many planets in Aquarius, there will be new innovations in technology, renewable energy, finances and communal ways to live and co-create.  In healing, as the old ways dissolve, I predict that utilizing qi, electromagnetic and quantum fields along with light healing will become prevalent, introducing the next wave of alternative therapies.

Chinese New Year

In the Chinese new year, it’s the year of the Metal Ox.  Like the ox, it’s important to be methodical and work hard and have patience. It’s a time to plough the fields, sow your seeds and await the harvest in 2022.  Be disciplined, steadfast in your approach, and working diligently. Obama is an ox (to give you an idea of an ox personality) and the path of diplomacy will be rewarded this year. It’s the year to build and shy away from impulsive actions and investing. The Tiger year next year is the time to launch and pounce on new opportunities and will be a lot more exciting. This year, take care of your health and be thorough like an ox.

It still is a metal year, so you will need to take care of your lungs and large intestines, especially the respiratory system. Interesting that the pandemic happened during the metal element of the rat/ox. Focus on increasing your lung capacity with qigong and walking outside. Some Chinese astrologers are predicting that the pandemic will shift in the new moon in August so let’s hope they’re correct. But until then, keep your immunity strong, contemplate what you want to build this year and create a solid foundation of self-care for this year.

Qigong Classes

I’ve had a number of women inquire about qigong training so I’m beginning to create one to launch this year. I would love to hear about what you’re interested in learning and which format would work best for you. I’m thinking of a 3-month community teacher course and a longer 9-month to a year women’s qigong teacher training. I have so much information that I want to teach and it’s just sitting in my notebooks and computer! I really want to share this tradition to carry on Dr. Wang’s lineage.

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